Janik Sauerbier

*Sharded GitHub Account with my friend Andreas Nöbel used for numerous sharded projects (e.g. Bombs and the app for our former school)

Tech Project Portfolio

Google Play

Downloads: 50,000+ (all apps)
Rating: 4.5+ (all apps)
Reviews: 1,000+ (all apps)


(Co-)Led 6 projects,
embracing entrepreneurship
and teamwork

Pro bono

(Co-)Led 2 pro bono projects
in the educational and
academic sector


Gathered experience in Java, C,
C++, C#, Python, PHP, SQL,
JS, CSS, HTML, Unity

Research Project | Which Rules Entail this Fact? An Efficient Approach Using RDBMSs

My role: Student Researcher
Duration: Jul 2022 – Dec 2022
Team size: 2 people
Organization: University of Mannheim | Chair of Practical CS

Accepted to the 20th Conference on Database Systems for Business, Technology and Web

In this work, we focus on the problem of identifying all rules that entail a certain target fact given a knowledge graph and a set of previously learned rules. This problem is relevant in the context of link prediction and explainability. We propose an efficient approach using relational database technology including indexing, filtering and pre-computing methods. Our experiments demonstrate the efficiency of our approach and the effect of various optimizations on different datasets like YAGO3-10, WN18RR and FB15k-237 using rules learned by the bottom up rule learner AnyBURL.

Android App | The Unity-based mobile game "Bombs"

My role: Co-Founder
Duration: Apr 2021 – Nov 2021
Team size: 2 people
Organization: Sauerbier & Nöbel GbR

Together with a former classmate, I am developing a Unity-based casual mobile game, where you steer the friendly alien bob through a world of bombs.

Website | Expansion of a company website

My role: Project Leader
Duration: Sep 2020 – Dec 2020 (4 months)
Team size: 6 people
Organization: Precitec GmbH & Co. KG

We supported Precitec by expanding their TYPO3 website by multiple languages.

The project was conducted through the student consultancy INTEGRA e.V.

Web App | A PHP-based intranet for a student consultancy

My role: Project Leader
Duration: Mar 2020 – Nov 2020 (8 months)
Team size: 4 people
Organization: INTEGRA e.V. – Student Consultancy

Pro bono

Together with three other students, I developed a PHP-based intranet for our student club. This included a detailed requirements analysis at the beginning of the project. We used a MySQL database, JS, HTML, and CSS. The intranet is hosted on a fully self-maintained server in the data center of our university.

Web App | Implementation of an electronic success control and a public self-test

My role: Project Member
Duration: Mar. 2020 – May 2020 (3 months)
Team size: 4 people
Organization: SüdWest Datenschutz Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH

Description: We implemented an electronic success control tool for existing and a public self-test for potential customers. The tools were implemented in a WordPress environment. The project was conducted through the student consultancy INTEGRA e.V.

Android App | Development & maintenance of an app for my former school

My role: Co-Project Leader
Duration: Nov. 2017 – Oct. 2020 (~3 years)
Team size: 2 people
Organization: Sauerbier & Nöbel GbR / Kurpfalz-Gymnasium Schriesheim

Play Store rating: 4.5 (~90 reviews)
Play Store downloads: 1,700+

A former classmate and I developed and maintained an Android app, that contained timetable information, school news, the daily canteen menu, and event information.

The app used Firebase Analytics, Crashlytics, and Performance Monitoring.

Pro bono

Android Apps | Development & maintenance of two Latin vocabulary training apps

My role: Solo Developer
Duration: Oct. 2015 – Apr. 2018 (~2.5 years)

Play Store rating: 4.5+ (1000+ reviews cumulative)
Play Store downloads: 50,000+ (cumulative)

During my school time, we had to pass vocabulary tests every week. We had a big cumbersome book with which we learned the vocabularies by heart. I build a mobile vocabulary trainer, that improved the learning experience for thousands of students throughout Germany.

During the 2.5 years more than 2 million learning sessions were completed (and potentially even more that were not tracked).

The app used Firebase Analytics, Crashlytics, Remote Config and Storage as well as Admob and many other ad platforms.

Notice: I ended the project due to a copyright complaint.